Recents in Beach

Class 7 - Science || Quiz-3 || Chapter-1

Q.1. Define

(a) Parasites and 
(b) Total Parasites 
(c) Partial Parasites
(a) Parasites: The organisms which depend on other living organisms for their food are called parasites.
Example: cuscuta, tapeworm, liver fluke etc. There are two types of parasites:
(i) Total parasite
(ii) Partial parasite
(b) Total Parasites: The parasites which depend for both food and shelter on the host are called total parasites. For example, liver fluke, tape worm.
(c) Partial Parasites: Those parasites which depend only for food on the host are called partial parasites. For example, mosquito, lice etc.

Q.2. What is Symbiosis? What is Symbiotic relationship?
Ans. Symbiosis: It is the type of nutrition in which two different kinds of depend on each other for their nutrition. In this both the organisms are benefited by each other Example: Lichen. In this one alga and one fungus live together and remain in symbiotic relationship.
Symbiotic Relationship: Some organisms live together and share shelter and nutrients. This type of relationship is called symbiotic relationship.

Q3. Choose the true (T) and false (F) statements:
(i) Food is essential for all living beings.

(ii) Leaves are the food factories of plant.

(iii) Water comes into leaves through stomata in the form of vapours.

(iv) Plants utilize the carbon dioxide dissolved in the water absorbed by the roots for photosynthesis.

(v) The sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.

(vi) Algae are saprotrophs.

(vii) Cuscuta is a parasite.

(viii) Saprotrophs take their food in solution form from dead and decaying matter.

(ix) Insectivorous plants are partial Heterotrophs.

(x) Plants take atmospheric nitrogen stomata and utilize a nutrient.

(xi) Pitcher plant is an insectivorous plant.

(xii) Many fungi are saprotroph.

(xiii) ‘Leaves’ of a plant is called its food factory.

(xiv) Insectivorous plants eat insects to fulfill their needs of energy.

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