Recents in Beach

Social Studies_Class 6_L 2_Globe_Latitude_Longitude_Exercise_AB

A-     Tick the correct option:

1) The Earth rotates on its ___axis__.
2) Grid is a network of __latitudes & longitudes___.
3) The equator is the longest ___parallel____.
4) __North temperate zone __lies between the Tropic of Cancer & the Arctic Circle.
5) The total number of Meridians across the globe is __360__.
6) The local time of a place is based on the __Standard Meridians___.
7) Indian standard time is taken from ___82 ½ 0 E__.
8) IST is ahead of Greenwich Time by ___5 hours 30 minutes___or____330 minutes.

B-Fill in blanks:
1)      The Earth is shaped like a ____geoids___.
2)      Each latitude is measured in ___degrees__.
3)      The Arctic Circle is located in ____Northern___Hemisphere.
4)      Latitudes are __parallel__ lines while longitudes are __Meridian__ lines.
5)      All __meridians__ are of equal length.
6)      The _Torrid_ Zone receives direct rays of the sun throughout the year.
7)      The _Prime Meridian_ is also known as zero Meridian.
8)      The Time at 00 longitude is called _ Greenwich Time Meridian (GMT)_.

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