Recents in Beach

Social Studies_Class 6_L 1_Exercise_ABCDE

A-Tick the correct option:
1)      A Constellation is a group of __stars______arranged in a particular shape.
2)      The pole star always shines in the ___north_______.
3)      All the planets move around the Sun in a ___elliptical path__ (or) __elongated path_.
4)      Which planet is made up of gases and liquid? _____Saturn___.
5)      Which is the largest planet in the Solar system? ___Jupiter___.
6)      Which is the farthest planet? ____Neptune___.
7)      Which planet is known as the Evening Star? ____Venus___.
8)      Tailed star is also known as a ____Comet____.
B-Fill in the blanks:
1)      Our Earth is a part of the Galaxy called _____Milky Way____.
2)      The Earth moves around the Sun from _____West___ to ___East___.
3)      The planet with rings is ____Saturn___.
4)      Meteors are commonly known as ____shooting___ Stars.
5)      __Stars__ are self luminous bodies.
6)      Moon is unlike the earth because it has no ___water___ and __atmosphere__.
7)      The __Halley__ Comet appears after every 76 years.
C- State True or False:
1)      A group of stars is called a constellation.  T
2)      The Milky Way is the only Galaxy in the Universe. F
3)      The Solar system comprises of the sun, its eight planets and their satellites. T
4)      Satellites are small celestial bodies revolving around a planet. T
5)      Moon is a self luminous body. F
6)      Asteroids are considered to be pieces of a planet. T
7)      A comet is a small body which glows when it reaches near the Sun. T     
D- Match the following: Answer -
1)      Venus -----The hottest planet
2)      Mars ------The red planet
3)      Earth ------Watery planet
4)      Saturn ----Rings around it
5)      Pluto -----A dwarf planet
E- Answer the following questions in one word or phrase:
1)      Who is known as the father of  Indian astronomy?---- Aryabhatta (born in 476 AD) 
2)      What resulted after the big bang? Universe came into existence
3)      Name some constellations. ---- Saptarishi Mandal [Ursa Major (Great Bear)], Orion, Leo, Gemini.
4)      What is the fixed path of all planets called? ----Orbit
5)      What is an object that revolves around a planet in its orbit called? ---Satellites
6)      What satellite is placed in orbit with the help of rocket? ---- artificial satellite
7)      Which tiny bodies revolve around the Sun between the orbits of Mars & Jupiter? ---Asteroids
8)      Which is the only natural satellite of the Earth? ----Moon

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