Recents in Beach

Social Studies_Class 6_L 1_Exercise_F

F- Distinguish between them?

Q-What is the difference between a star and a galaxy?
Answer-A galaxy is a collection of stars. There can be billions of stars in a galaxy. All the stars you see at night, along with our sun, are all in the Milky Way galaxy.

Constellation & galaxy - A constellation is an apparent cluster of stars, while a galaxy is a real cluster of stars.
Comet - A body of ice, rock and dust that can be several miles in diameter and orbits the sun. Debris from comets is the source of many meteoroids.
Meteoroid - A small rocky or metal object, usually between the size of a grain of sand or a boulder that orbits the sun. It originates from a comet or asteroid.
Meteor - A meteoroid that enters the earth’s atmosphere and vaporizes. Also called a “shooting star.”
Meteorite - A meteor that hits Earth without burning up in the atmosphere.
Moon / Satellite - A body orbiting a planet.
Planet - A body orbiting a star.
Star - A ball of burning gas (Hydrogen & Helium). Every second, 600 million tons of hydrogen is being converted into helium. This reaction releases a tremendous amount of heat and energy.
Solar System - A collection of planets and satellites orbiting a star or stars.
Galaxy - A collection of stars.
Universe – Everything (including Space, Time, matter & Energy) is called Universe.

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